Tuesday, December 1, 2009

friends come but why do they always have to go...

well its seems lately like i'm loosing all my friends. renee and anneka are changing yet they are saying i'm changing. i will do something to them that they do to me and then they flip about it. mackhenzie my best friend that i wasnt hanging out with that much anymore is here for me though. as much as i thank you her so much for having my back still i am a little disappointed the the peron i counted on the most to be there for me (nick) wasnt there like usual to help me through. i didnt even get a chance to tell what was bothering me. he has changed so much, he doesnt talk to me anymore at schoo and never answers back on msn. i he that i'm loosing all my friends but what hurts the most is that my most counted on friend nick changed into a rude unsensetive jerk like every other guy. so much much for being there for a friend. today i got fed up i told stay up on msn everything, but i doubt he even has a hint of why i'm mad at him. i feel so alone in this game they call life, i think i just lost. things dont seem to be getting better mr wedderburn my giudence conselor moved to toronto without even saying goodbye, what am i going to do now.

1 comment:

  1. awe hang in there
    the world one day will see
    how much you are needed
    that game wont be won but
    you will have gained an extra
    life to still play
