Thursday, December 31, 2009

a new attitude

i'm done taking peoples crap. if you have a problem with me say to my face as i will do the same to you. don't piss me off anymore because i'm not going to take it. i won't let myself take it. i have let people push me around and take advantage of me for so long and its got to stop, starting now. i will be more then happy to have your back and be there for you if you need me but if its not resiprical in the future i will not be there anymore. you people can't exspect me to be peachy about all the crap you put me through, it doesnt work that way. so really get ready for the new me, i will remain the same if i don't have a problem with you, but i will be different if your one of the people who give me problems. don't piss me off and we will get along just fine, thats what i keep telling people obviously the dont understand sinply english, but thats the last straw. nick you are not going to influence me anymore, i'm over you, renee you will never again affect me the same way, and last i will never be scared to say what i feel like saying to certain. the people mentioned in this blog just know you were the least of my problems, but you never again will have the same affect on me anymore. like everyone, you push me to the point where i somewhat wished my aunt had cancer just so i could have a different reason to feel pain, and i regret ever thinking that. do you know what that is like and no matter how much i try i can never get out of my mind that i even considered that thought. i cant keep doing this, to be honest i dont hate anyone i love you all i just cant deasl with all your crap anymore. girls think about what you guys are like, you girls are two-faced so much so that you girls are more then two-faced, try four-faced. do you ever stop and think how your making the other person feel, obviously not if you girls continue to be bitches. i want you to know girls that i'm hear for you if you need but if i'm not respected i will not be anymore. you can anyways count on me to be someone to talk to and get things off your mind to. i'm not blind i know there are problems with each and everyone of you and guess what i'm someone you can always share them with, if you want. boys you guys are disguisting pigs. you treat us girls as dolls just something that cool for a while and you love to play with but as soon as you break an arm off (metiphorically) from so much use, you just finish us off and leave in the cold. it doesnt work that way, and let me tell you something you might keep pretending you dont have feeling and or care for others but you do and its time you start showing because after a while the world is going to turn their backs on you, thinking your a jerk. so i have had enough, and for everyone whos read this dont forget it and spread it. love you all, its hurts knowing what will start happening with me changing, but its the only way.

1 comment:

  1. you no what, it your life dont bring us in too it!!!
