Friday, December 4, 2009


i just don't get it. people say they like and for a while they act like it to but it seems like after a while they change and are so rude to me. it hurts because one day me and one of the people i thought was my friend are laughing and joking around but the next day we won't talk and they give me faces. i seriously don't know how much more of this i can take. i wish people would come right out with, either you like me or not, don't pretend to be my friend. that is on eof my pet peaves. i'm so confused right now, my friend nick (yes we are friends again) told me to change and stop taking peoples crap and stop letting people take advantage of me because if i don't eventually i'm going to explode on myself and let it all out. what confusing me about that is that i did explode and crack like he said but he also told me that if i do i would change, but even though i did explode i never changed so i'm afraid that i might have a littel more exploding co,ing and it's going to be worse. even though i know whats coming i can't change. i don't want to change, i'm nice to people, i always have their back, and because i am like this they take advantage of me. nick told me i need to be a bitch to them, i need to show them that i'm not taking their crap anymore and that under no circumstances can they ever take advantage of me again, but i don't want to come across to people as a bitch. he's says after a while they will get used to the new you and you won't be known as a bitch anymore, but i don't want to take the chance. my friends are confusing me so much and as much as they tell me they have my back and all most of the time it seems like they don't. even when me and my friends had a meeting with our consultor mr wedderburn he even said he doesn't think we have each others back and now i'm starting to believe. seriously it's either your my friends or your not and i can't take this anymore. i don't want them all to change me anymore, mr wedderburn said i've changed and even i notice the change in me now that he pointed it out. he said my personality changed because i used to be a very happy, perky, fun , funny person that never let anything get to her but now i seem more depressed, i'm crying a lot more, i am always concious of what people think of me. this has changed my personality to a depressed, sad, living dead person and i don't want to be her anymore but i also don't want to be know as a bitch, it's just not me and it never will be. blogspotters i need your help, can't you give me help. this is my call out for help!!!!!!!!!


  1. i can only imagine how overwhelming this is for you. but it seems like you have your choices pointed out in there. the problem is that those choices all seem to lead to more pain so maybe you need to think a little harder and come up with a choice that you'll win in the end.

  2. Honestly Armanda the people who act liek you friends but decide to be selfish bitches in the end are not worth your time. There are so many peopel who want to see you happy, who want to see that cute smile of yours every single day. Dont let these stupid people get you done, focus on whos important to you, focus on the people who will always ahve your back, who will never force you to do anything, ( like date someone you dont like)who will support you through everythign you do, who wont stab you in the back,I know 2 people right nwo who love you so much and want you to be happy, if those other so called "friends" are gonna be backstabbers well all i can say is tll them the truth tell em you cant handle having friends like that. So stand up for yourself dont let those people bring you down tell them how you feel and just let it out, honesty is the best policy. I love you and i want the best for you so try and take my advice.

  3. Hey u
    Dont worry ,y love
    Every thing will wok out in the end (L)
